Ag/AgCl Sintered Cup Electrode

These Ag/AgCl Sintered Cup electrode can be used for a variety of different applications including EEG/EP, polygraphy (PSG), ECG, EDA/GSR and many more applications. The diameter of these Ag/AgCl sintered cup electrodes is 6mm and the diameter of the (blue) molded housing is 14mm and 5.4mm in height. Ag/AgCl Sintered Cup electrodes come attached to a 150cm cable which terminates in DIN 1.5mm touch-proof (TP) sockets (female connectors).
Sensor diameter: 6mm
Sensor material: sintered Ag/AgCl
Housing size: 14mm (diameter) x 5.4mm (height)
Cable length: 100cm
Connector: DIN 1.5mm touch-proof (TP) socket (female connector)
Application Note
Ag/AgCl sintered electrodes should not be chlorinated not come in contact with other metallic materials (e.g., steel blunt needles). Contact with other metallic materials will lead to traces on the surface of the Ag/AgCl sintered electrode and differences in galvanic series. This will degrade the quality of the signal and lead to unwanted side effects (e.g., DC-offset).
Avoid electrode contamination do not touch with bare fingers, do not mount in direct contact with metals. Do not store with metals such as iron or aluminum. Store in a dry, dark container.
Sensor diameter: 6mm
Sensor material: sintered Ag/AgCl
Housing size: 14mm (diameter) x 5.4mm (height)
Cable length: 100cm
Connector: DIN 1.5mm touch-proof (TP) socket (female connector)
Application Note
Ag/AgCl sintered electrodes should not be chlorinated not come in contact with other metallic materials (e.g., steel blunt needles). Contact with other metallic materials will lead to traces on the surface of the Ag/AgCl sintered electrode and differences in galvanic series. This will degrade the quality of the signal and lead to unwanted side effects (e.g., DC-offset).
Avoid electrode contamination do not touch with bare fingers, do not mount in direct contact with metals. Do not store with metals such as iron or aluminum. Store in a dry, dark container.